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Public Service Announcement

Citizens invited to participate in Public Forum on Urban Design

(Tuesday, November 28, 2006) - Halifax Regional Municipality is seeking public input on the future look and feel of HRM’s Regional Centre. Citizens are invited to take part in an interactive workshop and to attend the presentations and public viewings taking place December 4-7.

Following on the heels of the first forum, which produced the “big picture” urban design vision, the theme of this forum (the 2nd of four planned as part of HRM’s 18-month Regional Centre Urban Design Study) is Infill Development. Infill development is the process of developing vacant or under utilized parcels of land within existing urban areas. Through a series of case study neighbourhoods, Forum 2 will explore how the urban design vision translates into tangible principles and guidelines for infill development.

Presentations will highlight the work produced on the study to date, which includes the urban design vision. A series of public viewings will offer citizens the opportunity to see the consultants at work and to speak with the study team.

HRM’s Regional Centre includes the Capital District (Downtown Halifax, Downtown Dartmouth, Gottingen Street, Spring Garden Road, and the Quinpool Road areas) and the surrounding central neighbourhoods on the Peninsula and Dartmouth within the Circumferential Highway.

What: Urban Design Symposium and Public Forum
When: Dec 4-7, 2006

Date                          Event                              Location                  Time
Monday,                    Presentations and          Maritime Museum   6 - 9pm
December 4, 2006    Interactive                      of the Atlantic
                                 Public Workshop

Wednesday,             Mid-day Public Viewing    Alderney Theatre  12 - 1:30pm
December 6, 2006    Public Viewing                 Alderney Theatre   4 - 5 pm

Thursday,                 Mid-day Public Viewing   Alderney Theatre   12 -1:30 pm
December 7, 2006   Closing Presentation:
                          “Best in Forum 2 Outcomes”  Alderney Theatre    6pm - 9pm

To learn more, visit


Andy Fillmore
HRM Urban Design Project Manager




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.