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News Release

6969 Bayers Road - Fire Investigation Complete

(Wednesday, January 17, 2007) - Fire investigators have completed their investigation of the fire at 6969 Bayers Road, Halifax on Tuesday, January 16, 2007.

The fire was caused by the improper use of a lamp cord. Wayne Chapdelaine, Fire & Explosion Investigator said “the cord had been bunched up and clothing and other items were placed on top, which allowed heat to build up causing the failure of the cord”. He went on to remind residents “that electrical cords should not be kinked or frayed and not covered by items such as clothing, mats, rugs, etc. which can cause the electrical cord to fail, leading to fire”. This was an accidental fire

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For Further Information contact:

Mike LeRue
Divisional Chief
Public Information/Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.