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Public Service Announcement

Councillor Debbie Hum Hosting Town Hall Meetings

(Friday, January 26/07) – District 16 Councillor Debbie Hum and Bedford MLA and Tourism Minister Len Goucher will host a joint town hall meeting next week in the Rockingham-Bedford South area.

There will be updates on topics, such as the Western Shore-Bedford Basin Study; Metro Transit route service improvements; Mount Saint Vincent University transit pass program; the Metro Link; High-Speed Harbour Ferry Project; the Mainland Common Community Centre; the Canada Games Legacy; Maskwa Aquatic Centre Expansion; community policing and HRM’s Tax Reform project.

Minister Goucher will ask residents to consider a possible provincial constituency name change from Bedford to Bedford-Birch Cove.

“Town hall meetings provide another forum for me to hear from residents on issues of concern, said Councillor Hum. “It also gives me the opportunity to meet area residents, and update them on municipal and District 16 initiatives that are of importance to all of us.”

Councillor Hum will also host a second town hall meeting for District 16 residents on February 7th. HRM staff will be present at both public meetings.

Town Hall Meeting #1
Date: Wednesday, January 31
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Location: St. Peter’s Anglican Church Hall, 3 Dakin Drive, Halifax

Town Hall Meeting #2
Date: Wednesday, February 7
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Location: Rockingham United Church Hall, 12 Flamingo Drive, Halifax


Councillor Debbie Hum
District 16 (Rockingham-Wentworth)




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.