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Councillor Feels Snubbed by Education Minister

(Tuesday, January 30/07)-- Councillor Jim Smith says he is disappointed Education Minister Karen Casey did not have the courtesy to invite him along on tour of a high school in District 9 today to help determine its future needs.

“Bypassing the Councillor who represents the District in which the school is located, in my opinion, shows disrespect for the local representation,” he said. “I think it is important for the Minister to hear first-hand the school’s deficiencies from the local Councillor, who is familiar with the students at Dartmouth High School and their parents and who knows their pressing needs.”

Councillor Smith said the Minister, instead, will be accompanied by a Councillor from a neighbouring District, who he felt may not be as knowledgeable about Dartmouth High School’s needs as he would be.

The Councillor said he will state his concerns formally in a letter to the Education Minister.


Councillor Jim Smith




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.