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Mayors Bring Atlantic Canada Issues to Ottawa

(Wednesday, February 21 2007) * Atlantic Canadian Mayors are travelling to Ottawa to make sure their particular municipal issues are on the Federal Government's radar screen.

Mayor Peter Kelly, Chair of the Atlantic Mayors' Congress, will lead a delegation of 15 mayors from communities throughout the region. The mayors will spend the next two days briefing various federal ministers, members of parliament, and others about the key issues facing the region.

"It's important that we deliver a united message*we hope a team approach will have more impact than individual voices from the East," Mayor Kelly said. "We want to ensure Atlantic Canada is on the radar when the federal government enters its budget deliberations. Our region has a lot to offer and we want to be part of long-term initiatives and approaches."

Mayor Kelly added: "Our municipalities are diverse, but we share many common concerns. For example, we all agree that the federal government should eliminate the sunset clause on the gas-tax transfer and continue this program indefinitely."

The Atlantic Mayors' Congress, a consortium of mayors from the Atlantic Canadian municipalities, will spend two days in the capital raising the profile of this region and bringing awareness to issues of concern to Atlantic Canadians. Areas of discussion include the federal gas tax program, infrastructure programs, Nova Scotia pork, spruce budworm, the Atlantic Gateway, and the Conference Board of Canada's recent report on Canadian cities.

The Congress is scheduled to meet with federal cabinet ministers Lawrence Cannon (Transport, Infrastructure and Communities), Peter MacKay (ACOA and Foreign Affairs), and Chuck Strahl (Agriculture and Agri-Food). Meetings are also scheduled with NDP Leader Jack Layton; MPs from the Atlantic Conservative Caucus; Saint John MP Paul Zed (Opposition Critic for Cities and Communities); senior policy advisors from Transport, Infrastructure and Communities; and the CEO of the Conference Board of Canada.

The meetings will take place this evening and tomorrow on Parliament Hill.


Mayor Peter Kelly




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.