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HRM Community Energy Plan Public Open House

(Monday, March 26/07) - Halifax Regional Municipality is holding an open house on Wednesday to invite the public to learn more about HRM’s Community Energy Plan and to provide their input into this important matter.

Energy is needed in our everyday lives. However, depending on how we use and produce energy, it can mean major environmental and economic impacts. Billions of dollars are spent annually in Nova Scotia alone and because of our high reliance on fossil fuels, energy use represents close to 60 per cent of our total ecological footprint, or impact, on the planet.

“The Community Energy Plan will be a comprehensive document, in essence a road map, to guide decisions, investments, and community form related to energy,” says Councillor Andrew Younger, Chair of Regional Council’s Energy and Underground Services Committee.

Working towards a sustainable community, HRM has taken an integrated systems approach to clean air, land, water and energy, with a number of clean air, climate change and greenhouse gas emission plans and strategies now in place.

The Community Energy Plan is also a key component and functional plan of the Regional Plan. It includes design for energy efficiencies in community systems as a tool for reaching long-term sustainability. Other broad objectives include energy security, a commitment to increased renewable energy capacity and non-interrupted services that require energy inputs.

WHEN:   Wednesday, March 28, 2007

TIME:      between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

WHERE:  Cole Harbour Public Library, 51 Forest Hills Parkway, Cole Harbour Place

HRM encourages active or public transportation to this event. Cole Harbour Place is on the number 62 and number 68 bus routes. Two free transit tickets will be provided to anyone who arrives on public transit.

Progress on the Community Energy Plan, including background information, is being posted online at


For further information on the public open house or Community Energy Plan, please contact:

Councillor Andrew Younger, District 6
Chair, Energy and Underground Services Committee


Stephen King, Manager

Sustainable Environment Management Office




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.