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HRM’s Proposed 2007/2008 Budget Focuses on Investment in
Communities, Facilities and People

(Tuesday, March 27, 2006) - The proposed 2007/2008 Budget has as its priorities:
• maintain existing service levels from 2006/2007
• establish a separate area rate for mandatory provincial contributions
• establish a rate for Municipal Services
• decrease the Municipal Tax Rate by 2.5%
• create capacity for enhanced investment in the areas which Council have indicated are of greatest importance to our residential and business community:
- Public Safety
- Infrastructure Development
- Community Development
- Tax Reform

In the area of Public Safety, HRM, with the support of the Province of Nova Scotia, will put 32 additional police officers on the street. The budget also proposes:
• enhanced technology for crime prevention and investigation
• a further investment in the Citywatch Program
• enhanced traffic education in the area of crosswalk safety
• Minimum Standards for rooming houses
• expansion and deployment of quick response police units
• expanded beat patrol in the downtown areas
• improved service standards for Fire Service response
• more emphasis on rural fire service

Investment in infrastructure will see the following:
• Community facilities will see an investment in the amount of $11.2 million, a $7 million increase over last year
• investment in streets and roads will be $23.6 million, a growth of $2 million over last year
• sidewalks and curbs will see an investment of $4.7 million, an increase of 3.0% increase over last year
• parks and playgrounds see an investment of $7 million, an 11.6% increase over last year
• Public Transit will benefit from a continued commitment and investment of $18.3 million
• investment in storm water and wastewater will grow by $16.1 million to $97.7 million

Further investment in community development is proposed, including:
• additional funding for festivals and events
• investment in youth services
• increased student employment opportunities
• youth literacy programs
• better alignment with the Greater Halifax Partnership on economic development, culture, youth and immigration initiatives
• 2011 Canada Winter Games
• increased tax assistance for lower income households
• property tax assistance to non-profit organizations
• implementation of the Regional Plan including Community Visioning
• Community Engagement Strategy
• expanded Community Pride Programs

The budget also notes that HRM will continue its work on tax reform and provide additional resources to support the work of the Tax Reform Committee and the community consultation process.

“Our commitment to lowering the debt continues,” says HRM’s CAO, Dan English. “The 2007/2008 debt will fall an additional $8.3 million over last year. Our Standard and Poors Rating has been upgraded to “A” positive and we continue to meet our year end targets and achieve program stability. All these factors create more capacity for re-investment.”

HRM will also be investing in people through the development of effective succession plans, training and education, recognize and reward our many volunteers.

The proposed HRM 2007/2008 budget provides for a gross capital investment of $217.7 million, and an operating budget of $646 million.

“With this budget, we will continue to manage within our means by adhering to the Multi-Year Financial Strategy and debt repayment plan, while not compromising service or budget balance,” says Mr. English. “HRM’s focus on investment in communities, facilities and people is clearly reflected in this budget.”

Halifax Regional Council is scheduled to debate the proposed Capital, Operating and Reserve Budgets, beginning April 2, 2007.


Dan English
Chief Administrative Officer




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.