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Public Service Announcement

Bedford Residents Encouraged to Help Shape Their Community’s Future

(Thursday, April 5, 2007) - Residents of Bedford are encouraged to get involved in shaping their community’s future. Thursday, April 12th, VisionHRM and the Bedford Waterfront Community Liaison Group will hold their first community visioning public engagement event.

VisionHRM is a community-led initiative launched in Fall 2006. The 12-month pilot project is taking place in three HRM communities - Bedford Waterfront, Fall River, and Musquodoboit Harbour.

The community visioning process for Bedford focuses on the waterfront area. The process is being guided by a Community Liaison Group (CLG) - a working group comprised of nine community volunteers. The project provides an opportunity for Bedford residents to think creatively about how the waterfront could function, how it might change, and what it might look like in 10, 15, 20 years.

What:   Community Visioning Public Engagement Event

When:   Thursday, April 12, 2007, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Where:  LeBrun Community Centre - Lions Den*
              36 Holland Avenue, Bedford
              *accessible entrance at the rear of the build

Residents can also offer input by participating in an online forum at

The CLG is available to meet with local groups or organizations. Call 490-5857 for details.

For more information on the Bedford Waterfront Community Visioning project, visit, email or call 490-5857.


Susan Corser
HRM Regional Planning




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.