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Public Service Announcement

Blasting for Herring Cove Water & Sewer

(Friday, April 13/07)-- Business owners and property owners are advised that blasting operations are required to complete rock excavation for Herring Cove Water and Sewer Services, Phases 1B & 2A.

ACL Construction Ltd has obtained a permit to carry out the blasting, scheduled to start on Tuesday, April 17 and continue for approximately three months. Operations can take place Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm. No blasting will take place on weekends or statutory holidays.

Pre-blast inspections on structures within the pre-blast radius, as outlined in by-law B-600, have been carried out. Also, business owners and property owners located within a 300m radius of the construction site have been given notification of the operations.

All requirements outlined in the blasting by-law have been met in order to have a permit issued for this project. Seismographs will be set up on structures in the area to monitor vibration and sound levels to ensure they do not exceed allowable limits set out in HRM’s blasting by-law.


Kevin MacDonald
HRM Engineering Technician

John O’Brien
Manager, Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.