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Public Service Announcement

VENUE CHANGE: HRMbyDesign Public Meetings

(Monday, April 16, 2007) - Public consultations for the HRM By Design project previously advertised to be held at the Cornwallis Street Baptist United Church on the evenings of Monday April 16, Tuesday April 17 and Wednesday April 18 will now be held at The Bus Stop Theatre, 2303 Gottingen Street, Halifax. HRM apologizes for any inconvenience or confusion this may cause.

The schedule for the week's events with the revised location is as follows:

Monday April 16, 2007


Introduction to HRMbyDESIGN, The Bus Stop Theatre, 2303 Gottingen Street (between Gerrish and Cunard).


Public Presentation and input - Urban Design Forum 3, The Bus Stop Theatre, 2303 Gottingen Street (between Gerrish and Cunard).


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Midday Public Viewing, The Bus Stop Theatre, 2203 Gottingen Street, Halifax


Gottingen Street area residents meeting, The Bus Stop Theatre, 2303 Gottingen Street (between Gerrish and Cunard).

Wednesday, Ap. 18, 2007


Midday Public Viewing, The Bus Stop Theatre, 2203 Gottingen Street, Halifax.

6-8pm Closing Presentations and input - Urban Design Forum 3, The Bus Stop Theatre, 2303 Gottingen Street (between Gerrish and Cunard).


Andy Fillmore
HRM Urban Design Project Manager




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.