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News Release

McNabs Island Clean Up Call for Help

(Monday, April23/07) - Eastern Passage Councillor Becky Kent says plans are shaping up to do a significant clean up of McNabs Island interior lands this year.

After decades of items such as autos, household goods, etc. being taken to the island, these materials are now being removed.

Through the leadership of HRM Public Works, partnerships were developed with DND, NS Department of Natural Resources, local HRM Councillor, residents and interest groups to get the job done.

"I am thrilled to see our plans shaping up. The island is a paradise that deserves some overdue attention,” said Councillor Kent. “ I encourage all HRM residents to find the time to take a visit to the island. The view alone of Dartmouth and Halifax from the island is worth the trip."

Efforts for the clean-up will begin Monday, May 14, and it is hoped work will continue on the island for at least a week.

A pre-clean-up is being scheduled for Saturday, May 12 (rain date Sunday, May 13) for volunteers only to gather debris in some of the more remote areas of the island. This is an opportunity for a FREE boat trip to the island and lunch will be provided.

Persons interested in participating in this clean-up effort should contact Councillor Kent at 476-1836


Councillor Becky Kent
District 8 (Woodside-Eastern Passage)




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.