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Media Advisory

Mayor Kelly Has “STAR” Treatment For A Day

(Thursday, April 25/07) Media are welcome to join Mayor Peter Kelly and Saint Mary’s University President Colin Dodds as they launch an exciting project that will impact land and transportation use in HRM for years to come.

The HRM STAR Project (Space-Time Activity Research) is the most innovative study of its kind to date in the world, as well as the largest application ever of this particular technology.

Mayor Kelly volunteered to demonstrate how easy it is to participate in the project. “Taking part is easy-yet the results of the study will be invaluable for HRM,” he notes. Mayor Kelly’s STAR experience-which tracks his coming and goings for one day-will be displayed at the launch.

WHAT:      STAR Project launch

WHO:       Mayor Kelly
                 Colin Dodds, President of Saint Mary’s University

WHERE:    Halifax City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street
                 Halifax Hall

WHEN:      Thursday, April 26, 2007
                 12 noon

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Mayor Peter Kelly




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.