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Meet HRM's First Regional Youth Advisory Committee

(Friday, May 4, 2007) - Media are invited to join Mayor Peter Kelly and Halifax Regional Council as they kick off National Youth Week by publicly introducing the 12 young people and the three Regional Council members who will form HRM’s inaugural Regional Youth Advisory Committee to Mayor and Council.

Two 13-19 year-olds have been selected from each Community Council area. Councillors Gloria McCluskey, Linda Mosher and Becky Kent will also sit on the Committee. Mayor Peter Kelly will serve as an Ex Officio Member.

"Announcing the members of our new Youth Advisory Committee is an exciting way to kick off National Youth Week," said Mayor Peter Kelly. “This Committee will be a wonderful resource for decision-making at Regional Council and furthers our commitment to youth in HRM. We look forward to working with this talented and committed group of young citizens who will connect us to the real issues facing HRM youth of today."

Council adopted the Youth Governance Model in March 2007. It was developed by a group of 14 youth who continued to meet as a group following last fall’s successful youth conference, YouthFest ’06. This group will also be publicly recognized for their contribution.

What: Announcement of Regional Youth Advisory Committee Members

When: Monday, May 7, 2007, from 5:00 - 6:00 PM

Where: St. Mary's Boat Club, 1641 Fairfield Road, Halifax

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Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010




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