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Public Service Announcement

Volunteer Board and Committee Memberships

(Tuesday, May 8, 2007) - The Halifax Community Liaison Committee for the Halifax Harbour Solutions Project, supported by the Greater Halifax Partnership, is seeking volunteer board and committee members.

Members will oversee and administer the Community Investment Fund (CIF) allocated to the host community for the Halifax wastewater treatment facility.

The Community Investment Fund will be a loan and grant program supporting people, entrepreneurial activities and community groups working within the area of Cogswell, Agricola/North Park, North and Barrington Streets in north end peninsular Halifax.

The CLC is seeking board members who have skills and experience in: legal systems pertaining to Board activities, financial accounting practices, securities investment practices, business management, entrepreneurship, business financing, social programming, and community development activities in the defined community.

Interested people can apply, no later than May 22nd, by:

- Getting the online application/instruction package at:
- Picking up an application/instruction package at the: George Dixon Centre, Brunswick Street and the North Branch Library, Gottingen Street.
- Application package and instructions can be dropped off to the George Dixon Centre or North Branch Library no later than May 22nd.

For more information, please email or call Mark van de Wiel
at: 490-3916


James Campbell
Harbour Solutions Project Office




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.