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Media Advisory

HRM to Demonstrate New Tool for Gum Removal from Sidewalks

(Wednesday, May 9, 2007)-- Halifax Regional Municipality will have a demonstration of a new tool in its efforts to clean up the downtown. Gum on pavement is a problem on city sidewalks and is a form of litter on our streets.

A company called Gumbusters will be demonstrating a tool that removes gum from pavement and stone as they clean up the pavers in Grand Parade on Thursday, May 10 at 9am. The tool has been in use in the United States and has just come to Canada.

Media are welcome to observe this new tool in action in Grand Parade.

When:   Thursday, May 10, 2007

Time:     9:00 am

Where: Grand Parade, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax


Deborah Story
Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.