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HRM Hosts Public Update on Regional Centre Urban Design Study - HRM by DESIGN

(Friday, June 8, 2007) - What will make our city one of the world’s greatest? HRM by DESIGN aims to address this question. The project will articulate a new urban design strategy that fosters quality development and vibrant public spaces in our city by introducing new design guidelines, revamped review processes and incentives for good design and development.

Halifax Regional Municipality and members of the Urban Design Task Force will host an open house on June 11th to provide the public with an update on HRM by DESIGN’s progress and highlight future opportunities for public participation. Members of the public and media are invited to attend this event.

What:    HRM by DESIGN - Public Open House

When:    Monday, June 11, 2007 at 6 pm

Where:   Potter Auditorium, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building,
               Dalhousie University, 6100 University Avenue

“It is of vital importance that citizens know what HRM by DESIGN means to them and take part in its creation," says Andy Fillmore, Urban Design Project Manager for HRM. “The vibrancy, animation and economic health of downtown Halifax and Dartmouth will be strengthened through the cultivation of a compact, sustainable, civic-inspired and human-scaled pattern of streets, blocks and buildings.”

Chair of the Urban Design Task Force, Dale Godsoe says, “This project opens the door to incredible opportunities for our city - to enrich urban living, celebrate our history and enhance our natural assets. The goal of this project is an exciting one, we want to set the stage for becoming global destination - vibrant, beautiful, modern and welcoming city for people of all walks of life.”

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For more information, please contact:

Chrystiane Mallaley
Communications Officer - HRM by DESIGN




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.