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16 Local Artists Paint Murals Along Bedford Row

(Monday, July 9/07) - Mayor Peter Kelly helped to welcome 16 local artists today as part of a two-day community event hosted by HRM and Public Works and Government Services Canada in downtown Halifax. Artists started painting a mural each along Bedford Row.

“This initiative provides a unique opportunity to support local artists,” says Mayor Kelly. “I’m delighted that our youth and emerging local artists have agreed to share their inspired creations demonstrating our culture, diversity and artistic talent here in our region.”

In late May, 2007, Public Works and Government Services Canada erected approximately 200 feet of plywood construction hoarding along Bedford Row abutting the Dominion Public Building as part of a construction project that will be ongoing for two years. Due to concerns around the potential for graffiti vandalism, a call for artists went out and 16 were selected to paint a number of murals to help combat graffiti and beautify the streetscape.

Mayor Kelly said, “The murals will help deter graffiti vandalism and raise awareness of the importance of graffiti management, public art and civic pride.”

Artists started the Bedford Row Mural Project today and will complete their creations tomorrow afternoon. The murals are seven feet high by seven feet wide and reflect cultural diversity, history and contemporary art.

For information on other Public Arts work in HRM, visit us at


Contact info:
Heather MacLeod-Baudelot
Community Developer, HRM

Mayor Peter Kelly




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.