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Public Service Announcement

Councillor Concerned About Fireworks

(Tuesday, July 17/07) -- District 6 Councillor Andrew Younger (East Dartmouth-The Lakes) said today he has received a number of calls from area residents concerned about the use of fireworks in residential neighbourhoods.

Councillor Younger said that he been advised that pursuant to the Noise By-law, fireworks cannot be detonated at any time if they can be heard within a residential area.

“However, it is a violation only if the activity disturbs a residential area, he said. “As with all other noise complaints that police receive, violators can only be prosecuted if the citizen filing the complaint is willing to give a statement and agree to testify in court.”

Councillor Younger said many residents are surprised to learn that fireworks are readily available for purchase at some local commercial outlets, with little or no control over who buys them.

According to Fire Service officials, the “family grade” fireworks fall under Class 7.2.1 under the Federal Explosives Act and Regulations. These include small fountains, volcanoes, pinwheels, sparklers and Roman Candles.

These items are classified as "Low Hazard" and can only be purchased by a person 18 years of age or older and persons using them must be 18 years of age or older. For example, an 18 year-old cannot purchase them and give them to a younger person to use.

Councillor Younger urged retailers and their employees selling fireworks to check for ID to ensure anyone purchasing them is 18 years of age or older. Also, he would like to see commercial retail outlets post signage clearly stating fireworks cannot be sold to anyone under 18 years of age.

"I am disappointed that many more retail outlets are choosing to sell and advertise fireworks, when the intent of the Noise By-law is to limit their use," he said.


Councillor Andrew Younger




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.