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Boating Safety An Issue on Kearney Lake

(Wednesday, August 1/07)-- District 16 Councillor Debbie Hum said Halifax Regional Police are launching their safety boat patrol in Kearney Lake today in response to the growing number of complaints regarding unsafe boating activity, particularly by sea-doers, on the lake.

"Police presence is certainly a welcome one," says Councillor Hum. "They will be conducting regular patrols of the lake and taking appropriate action to remind residents and all lake users about water safety, including enforcement of safe boating practices. I'm confident that with enforcement and increased public awareness on safety, the use of Kearney Lake will be a much more enjoyable and safer recreational experience for everyone.”

Councillor Hum says Kearney Lake residents and visitors have witnessed many incidents involving the unsafe use of boats on the lake. In some cases, sea-doos have been driven at high speeds, and coming precariously close to shoreline near swimmers, the public beach area and Maskwa Canoe Club.

“Boaters should be just as careful driving their water craft, as they should be driving a motor vehicle. There are safety regulations for the operation of small craft and police are able to issue tickets to those violating those regulations,” she said.

Councillor Hum said she was advised of an incident which occurred on the lake last weekend, in which a mother became frantic when she saw a speeding sea-doo racing towards her two children who were swimming at the edge of the race course at the canoe club. Fortunately, the sea-doo operator saw the children and turned away.

“Playing safe, and being safe should be the mantra of all who enjoy living and playing on this wonderful lake. When swimming, everyone needs to be aware of the water craft around them, and to look carefully before deciding to swim a particular route. By the same token, boat operators should keep their craft far removed from areas where people are swimming, “ she said.


Councillor Debbie Hum
(902) 476-7212




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.