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Survey Asks Residents About Violent Crime

(Wednesday, August 1/07)--Have you, or someone you know, been a victim of violent crime? Do you think there is more violence in our community, or is it just a perception?

These are just a few of the questions that approximately 5,000 residents from throughout the municipality will be asked in the next week or so when they receive a confidential survey in the mail, asking them for their views on violence in HRM and providing them an opportunity to offer comments and suggestions on how to deal with the issue.

The comprehensive survey is part of the research data being collected in advance of the Mayor’s Roundtable on Violence, to be held this fall. A telephone survey involving more than 1,200 residents throughout the municipality has already been conducted.

Mayor Kelly said the results of both the mail and telephone survey will be presented during the three-day Roundtable on Violence this Fall.

“It is very important for the residents who receive this survey in the mail take the time to fill it out and return it to us,” he said. “This is just one more opportunity for citizens to tell us their views and perhaps share their experiences regarding violence in the community. We need input and feedback from our residents to gather accurate information on which to build our short-term and long-term strategies for reducing violent crime in our community. The survey will enable citizens to speak out, but on a confidential basis.”

Aside from the mail and telephone surveys, HRM has held seven focus groups on violent crime with residents from throughout the municipality. There will also be several Regional Council-community meetings in the coming months on the topic.

Mayor Kelly said, “The Roundtable on Violence is only one part in developing our long-term strategy to combat violent crime. We are continuing to work with the federal and provincial governments, police as well as our residents, so that by working together, we can all contribute to the health and safety of our community.”


Mayor Peter Kelly




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.