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Note to Editors:  CWG Bid Information

Some media reports today regarding the 2014 Halifax Bid to host the Commonwealth Games may leave residents with the erroneous perception that the public will not have access to information related to the international bid.

That is incorrect.

In August, HRM and the Province of Nova Scotia jointly agreed on a plan to move forward with the release of the Commonwealth Games bid information in an appropriate and timely fashion. HRM staff and provincial officials intend, and always have intended, to release all the information related to the 2014 Halifax bid that it legally can.

A legal opinion was sought to ensure there were no legal impediments to releasing the information.

The disclosure will be limited only by that information that cannot legally be released under the Protection of Privacy legislation.

There are two types of information, historical and legal.

The historical information is presently stored in the CWG Canada Games offices in Ottawa and is available to HRM on its request. However, HRM staff first needs to know what info is desired.

The legal information is located in the 2014 Halifax offices in Dartmouth and can be released within the next few weeks as staff resources are available. Again, staff need to know what information is desired.

HRM will not require anyone requesting information to follow any of the formal requirements of the FOIPOP legislation ie. submitting request forms or paying fees. However, if any member of the public or the media believes the principles of FOIPOP were applied un fairly in the release of the information, then they may file a FOIPOP application and the avenues of review or appeal will be available to them.

The Information Report will be discussed as part of ther agenda at HRM Council next week (Sept. 11)
Had this issue been fully explored at HRM Council last night, a course of action regarding the release of information would have been made very clear.

Copies of the Information Report to Council are available on the HRM website at


John O'Brien
Manager, Corporate Communications
Chief Administrative Office
(902) 490-6531
(902) 490-4044 (fax)




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.