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Councillor Mosher’s Urban Forest Master Plan Taking Root

(Wednesday, September 19, 2007) - Earlier today, Dr. David Nowak from the Northeastern Research Station in Syracuse, New York, met with members of Halifax Regional Council and HRM staff to discuss the value of trees to cities. The meeting was an important first step in the development of an Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP) for HRM

In 2001 Councillor Linda Mosher received Regional Council approval and $150,000 in funding to develop an urban forest master plan. The UFMP will provide a long-term plan for the growth and maintenance of trees throughout HRM.

Councillor Mosher said, “Tree-lined streets are as much a part of HRM as its heritage properties. It’s important for HRM to protect its urban forest canopy and maintain its designation as the City of Trees. I’m very pleased to see this project moving ahead.”

Dr. Nowak spoke about how trees generate energy savings as well as their importance for human and environmental health.

This afternoon, Dr. Nowak is giving a presentation at the St. Mary’s Boat Club in Halifax entitled “The Importance of Trees to Cities,” which will provide information about the value of trees to a city.

“I would like to thank Councillor Mosher, members of Regional Council, and the public for taking part in this effort,” said Mayor Peter Kelly. “The Urban Forest Master Plan is an important component of HRM’s Regional Plan and Urban Design Task Force and it will help us ensure we keep HRM green with trees.”


Councillor Linda Mosher

Mayor Peter Kelly




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.