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Public Service Announcement

Design Workshop Scheduled for Hemlock Ravine Park Off-Leash Dog Strategy

(Friday, September 21/07) - HRM will be hosting an Off-Leash Area Design Workshop to review site plans for an off-leash area at Hemlock Ravine Park on Thursday, September 27th.

On June 26, 2007, Halifax Regional Council approved the HRM Off-Leash Parks Strategy. To implement the Strategy, Council approved areas of the Dartmouth Common, Fort Needham Memorial Park, Sandy Lake Park, Shubie Park, and Hemlock Ravine Park as pilot off-leash program sites. The off-leash areas will serve as temporary test sites and will be closely monitored over the next 12 months to ensure success of the program.

WHAT:    Design Workshop for Hemlock Ravine Park Off-Leash Dog Strategy

WHERE:  Saint Peter’s Anglican Church Hall, 3 Dakin Drive (intersection Bedford Highway/Kearney Lake Road/Dakin Drive)

WHEN:   Thursday, September 27th
               6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to comment on site elements such as size, location, hours of operation, site improvements, maintenance requirements, signage, dispute resolution, by-law enforcement, site monitoring and communication strategies.

To register for this workshop, please phone 490-2367 or e-mail

For more information on HRM’s Off-Leash Dogs Strategy, please go online and link to


Councillor Debbie Hum




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.