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News Release

HRM Workplace Diversity Week Kick-Off
and UNESCO initiative signing, Monday, October 1, 2007

(Friday, September 28, 2007) - HRM will celebrate its annual Workplace Diversity Week from Sunday, September 30 to Saturday, October 6, 2007, with a variety of activities and events for staff held throughout the offices of HRM and by signing, at the kick-off on Monday, October 1st, the Canadian Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Declaration to Join the Coalition of Canadian Municipalities Against Racism. Municipalities joining the Coalition are requested to commit to combating racism and discrimination, and building inclusive communities.

“As an employer, HRM is committed to creating and supporting a diverse workplace, and we hope to lead by example and ensure diversity becomes a priority throughout our municipality,” says Mayor Peter Kelly. “We are also proud to be adding our name to the UNESCO Coalition of Canadian Municipalities Against Racism and we look forward to the chance to work with other municipalities to share knowledge and expertise as we strive to eliminate racism and discrimination throughout our communities.”

“Diversity = Strength” is the theme of this year’s HRM Workplace Diversity Week activities, which will kick off with the official opening ceremonies and UNESCO initiative signing on Monday, October 1st, from 10:00 a.m. to noon in Halifax Hall. Among the guest speakers at the opening ceremonies will be Charlie MacDonald, who worked for 15 years as Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Disabled Persons Commission. Charlie is currently with the Nova Scotia Public Service Commission providing leadership to the Province’s diversity initiative as Diversity Management Consultant.

Activities during HRM Workplace Diversity Week include potlucks, interactive displays and a panel discussion on role models that will take place Friday, October 5 from 10:00 a.m. to noon in Halifax Hall.

HRM Workplace Diversity Week
Opening Ceremonies
Monday, October 1st, 2007
10:00 a.m. - Noon
Halifax Hall, City Hall

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For more information, contact:

Mayor Peter Kelly

Laughlin Rutt

HRM Diversity Consultant
Phone: 490-6154




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.