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Elizabeth The Mermaid Moves to HRM

(Thursday, October 4/07) - Leaving her sister sculpture Peggy the lobster behind in Norfolk, Virginia, “Elizabeth the Mermaid” arrived this week to take up residence in her new home in HRM. Named for the Elizabeth River that creates Norfolk’s port and waterfront, Elizabeth the mermaid is a symbol of the friendship between Norfolk and HRM, which became sister cities in 2006.

On Friday, the Norfolk Sister Cities Association will officially present the mermaid sculpture to HRM in the glassed pedway of Alderney Landing, Elizabeth’s new permanent home. In June the Halifax-Norfolk Sister City Committee delivered a lobster sculpture named “Peggy- The Sea Sister” to Norfolk, where it is on display in the atrium of Norfolk City Hall.

The two sister city citizen committees were formed to identify and foster joint projects, programs and exchanges which will benefit both communities and strengthen the sister city relationship.

“We’re delighted to welcome Elizabeth and the Norfolk delegation to HRM,” said Mayor Peter Kelly. “It’s always a pleasure to welcome friends, but it is a truly special occasion when our visitors share a twinning relationship with us. Our Norfolk guests have a busy and exciting week in store to explore partnership opportunities and numerous cultural attractions here in HRM.”

The Norfolk delegation’s itinerary includes visits to CFB Stadacona, HMCS Halifax, HMCS Sackville, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Nova Scotia Crystal, Pier 21, the Citadel, and the Halifax Farmer’s Market. Research being carried out at Dalhousie University and Old Dominion University involving modelling and simulations will be the focus of a visit to Dalhousie. They have been invited to Alexander Keith’s Birthday Party and will enjoy a Harbour Hopper Tour and a performance of DRUM.

What: Presentation of Elizabeth the Mermaid Sculpture

When: Friday, October 5th
           4:00 PM

Where: Alderney Landing Pedway (top of the escalators)


Mayor Peter Kelly




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.