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HRM Employee Recipient of Recreation Nova Scotia’s Highest Award

(Monday, October 22/07)-- An HRM regional coordinator is to receive Recreation Nova Scotia’s highest distinction, the Honorary Life Membership Award.

Bob Nauss is a household name within recreation circles in Nova Scotia. From his early years playing basketball in north end Halifax, he developed a life long passion for the sport.

This led to his vocation as a recreation professional and he has truly given of his time to the field at the local, provincial and national levels. Among his many accomplishments, Bob is Past President of the Recreation Association of Nova Scotia and a past member of the Board of the Canadian Parks & Recreation Association. He was the former Town of Bedford’s first Recreation Director and, following amalgamation, he became a member of HRM’s Community Development senior management team.

Bob began his professional career at the Halifax YMCA in the mid 70s. He was immediately recognized as an individual who made things happen. He was instrumental in ensuring that inner city youth had access to basketball and other recreation opportunities. Through this position he was able to ensure resources, coaches, and locations were available to play. His particular passion for basketball inspired him to coach the province’s first mini basketball team, and what would eventually become Bedford Minor Basketball - the largest Minor Basketball Association in Eastern Canada.. During his years with HRM, he initiated the HRM Kids program - Healthy Recreation Motivates Kids, which is a financial subsidy program that extends beyond municipal recreation services. He oversaw HRM’s first volunteer conference, which now in its 7th year attracts 150 volunteers from across the municipality to celebrate, network and learn. Bob was the driving force behind the North Preston Recreation Centre, which opened in 2004. In addition, he commissioned HRM’s Indoor Recreation Facility Master Plan and was instrumental in organizing the first HRM-wide YouthFest in 2006, which serves as a youth governance model for HRM.

Whether it be on the playing field, in a social setting, at home, or be it just during a course of daily life, Bob’s human interaction have been like a gift which far exceeds that of just putting a basketball in the hoop. Bob’s perseverance, commitment and love of his community have been instrumental in giving citizens of HRM better facilities, programs and services and making HRM a better place in which to live, work and play.

To help celebrate Bob’s contribution to his community and province, there will be a tree planting ceremony and reception on Thursday, October 25, at 5:45 p.m. (rain or shine) at the Bedford Lion’s Park, 49 Shore Drive, Bedford.

There is be a reception to follow at the LeBrun Recreation Centre, from 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at 26 Holland Avenue, Bedford.


Joan McDonell
Regional Coordinator, Community Development

John O’Brien
Manager, Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.