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Atlantic Mayors’ Congress to meet in Labrador City

(Wednesday, October 24/07)—Mayors from Atlantic Canada’s largest municipalities will meet in Labrador City October 25–27 for the 14th meeting of the Atlantic Mayors’ Congress (AMC), where they will discuss cooperative efforts on several regional issues.

“The health of our municipalities has a direct, critical effect on the health of our entire region,” says Halifax Regional Municipality Mayor Peter Kelly, who has chaired the AMC since its inception in 2001. “A strong, unified voice has allowed us to engage the federal and provincial governments on issues and programs that make our region stronger. The AMC provides a regular opportunity to work together to find solutions that will ultimately help Atlantic Canada.”

Labrador City is hosting the AMC for the first time. Says Mayor Graham Letto: “I welcome my fellow mayors from throughout Atlantic Canada to Labrador City. While we’ll be very busy with a full agenda, I expect they will find time to get to know and enjoy the special character of this unique part of Atlantic Canada.”

On the agenda for discussions at this meeting of the AMC:

Atlantic Gateway – A new MOU between the Atlantic provinces and the federal government on the Atlantic Gateway will affect the regional economy through improvements in transportation and shipping infrastructure. The mayors will assess potential for growth corridors and shared gateway developments.

Building Canada Fund – The AMC will discuss progress of agreements between the provinces and federal government on programs funded under the BCF.

“One Cent Now” – The Mayors will consider this national campaign by municipalities to gain a one-cent share of the GST to address the ever-growing infrastructure deficit. Local municipal revenues are inadequate to build or replace infrastructure at the necessary rate.

Also on the AMC agenda are the newly formed Atlantica Council, and specific local issues that contribute to the vitality of the region, including the fate of the Atlantic Beef Plant in Borden PEI; the progress of the Trans-Labrador Highway; and investment of the federal government in expanded service by Marine Atlantic Ferry Service.


Mayor Peter Kelly


Mayor Graham Letto





Above content last modified Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 4:06pm.