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Public Service Announcement

Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Reminds HRM Residents about Wood Stove Use and the Wood Burning Season

(Wednesday, November 7, 2007 ) - The heating season is upon us, and HRM residents are reminded to use sound fire safety practises when it comes to the use of wood burning appliances.

Residents should burn only clean, well-seasoned fire wood. Proper storage of wood is always very important. Not only does well seasoned wood give greater heat potential, it also produces less smoke and the harmful by-products of smoke.

Inevitably, every year, numerous complaints are received concerning wood smoke. Burning "green" wood causes much more smoke to be produced. It also produces more build up of creosote; a real fire hazard. Creosote is a cause of many serious chimney fires.

We can be good neighbours by burning only clean, well seasoned wood. Residents should never burn garbage, plastic, painted or treated woods. These not only become a fire hazard, and produce toxic smoke and chemicals; they also can cause serious damage to your wood burning appliance.

For safe disposal of ashes, proper storage of wood and burning techniques, contact your local Fire Department

For more information on wood burning, as well as information on locating WETT certified professionals, residents can browse the internet at the following web sites:

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For further information contact:
Craig MacDonald
Divisional Captain, Fire Prevention
Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.