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Public Service Announcement

Have Your Say! HRM's First Public Art Forum

(Wednesday November 14, 2007) - Toward a future Public Art Policy for Halifax Regional Municipality, HRM's Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) invites residents to participate in a Public Art Forum on Thursday, November 29th.

The Forum will include both local and nationally-recognized keynote speakers working in the field of Public Art. Following the presentations, a panel of local professionals with an interest in public art will stimulate debate and discussion around why public art is important to HRM and how public art should be created..

What:    Public Art Forum: "Public Art to Delight and Move"
When :  November 29, 2007
Time:     6:30-9:30 pm
Where:  Rowe Building (Potter Auditorium), Dalhousie University,
6100 University Ave.

Speakers: David Smith, President, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
                 Dyan Marie, Toronto Artist (
                 Jeffrey Spalding, Director, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
                 Joining the speakers for a public panel discussion will be Doug         Bamford, artist and designer of "North is Freedom", a new outdoor sculpture at the Halifax North Memorial Public Library, and Kellie McIvor, a local conservator with special interest in public art and memorials.

The creation of a Public Art Policy was identified in HRM's Cultural Plan. The Policy will define Public Art and guide the Municipality, community groups and private sector developers in planning, creating, siting and maintaining a region-wide Public Art collection.

A Draft Public Art Policy, developed through specialized and targeted input from industry, can be viewed by visiting . The CAC will continue to engage artists, developers and a variety of community organizations over the coming months to develop this policy.

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Councillor Andrew Younger (District 6 - East Dartmouth - The Lakes)
Chair of the Cultural Advisory Committee

Holly Richardson
Regional Coordinator Culture & Heritage




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.