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Councillor, HRM Staff Investigating Alleged Clear-Cutting

(Friday, November 16/07)-- District 7 Councillor Bill Karsten has municipal staff investigating three cases of alleged clear-cutting of land in the Russell Lake West subdivision in Dartmouth.

Councillor Karsten said that if the three lots in question, which are located in back of Freshwater Trail in the subdivision, prove to be clear-cut, that would be a blatant violation of the HRM Development Agreement respecting that area.

"The Development Agreement was thoroughly researched and only approved after public consultation. It expressly states that lot owners must maintain a treed buffer zone around their land," he said. "If there was a violation of that agreement, I would expect those who did the clear-cutting would be held accountable. This type of activity will not be tolerated."

Councillor Karsten said an HRM Community Standards Officer was dispatched to the site this afternoon and was expected to report back to municipal planning and development officials later in the day.

If violations of the agreement are confirmed, the landowners could be forced to submit to HRM a buffer zone management plan, certified by a professional arborist, and could be ordered to restore the land to its previous condition.


Councillor Bill Karsten
District 7 (Portland-East Woodlawn)




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.