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Public Service Announcement

HRM Christmas Tree Lighting

(Monday, November 19, 2007) - Mayor Kelly, the Members of Halifax Regional Council, and presenting sponsor Aliant invite all of HRM to the HRM Christmas Tree Lighting Event, Saturday, November 24th, 2007, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Grand Parade on Argyle Street in downtown Halifax. Dress for the weather and bring the whole family to enjoy caroling, fireworks, and special guest appearances by Santa Claus and Nova Scotia's own Chad Doucette from Canadian Idol.

Enter to win a chance to light the Christmas Tree! Five families will be chosen to be on stage for the tree lighting: please email with your name, address and telephone number or call (902) 490-4782 by November 22nd with that information to be entered in the draw.

Event Entertainment:
Chad Doucette, Good On Ya, Jordan Croucher, ScotianAires, The Halifax Christmas Caroling Company, the Christmas Bear Puppet, Santa Claus, fireworks, and of course, the lighting of the Christmas tree.

LED Light Exchange:
Nova Scotia Power is offering an LED light exchange at the Event - simply bring two sets of your old, traditional-style holiday lights and you will receive a new string of energy-efficient LED lights in exchange (on a first-come, first-served basis).

Presenting sponsor Aliant is "very proud to continue its support of the Halifax Tree Lighting ceremony," says Dawn Boylan, Manager, Community Relations. "This popular event has become a highlight of the holidays in Halifax and we look forward to celebrating the season with the Halifax Regional Municipality again this year."

Event sponsors include: Premiere sponsors Nova Scotia Power and Oland Brewery, Major sponsors Downtown Halifax Business Commission, Halifax Developments and Heritage Gas, Supporting sponsor Spring Garden Business District, and Media sponsors The Chronicle Herald, C100 and CTV.

For more information about this and other holiday events throughout HRM, visit the HRM web site at or call 490-6776.

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John O'Brien
(902) 490-6531




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.