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Councillor Says Electronic Tools Will Save Lives, Prevent Injuries

(Tuesday, November 20/07)- A former veteran regional police officer said today the use of photo radar and red light enforcement will prevent untold injuries and the loss of lives throughout Nova Scotia as a result of speeding and vehicular collisions at intersections.

Bedford Councillor Gary Martin applauded the recent announcement by Transportation Minister Murray Scott that the Province intends to amend the Motor Vehicle Act to allow the use of these devices in Nova Scotia.

Councillor Martin, a 25-year-veteran of Halifax Regional Police, raised the issue during the HRM budget debate this spring. At that time, he asked Mayor Peter Kelly, on behalf of Halifax Regional Council, to write to the Province to request enabling legislation that would authorize the use of photo radar and red light cameras.

"These devices have been used successfully in other parts of the country and I believe they will save lives and prevent injuries as a result of accidents on our streets and roads," he said. "In addition, these electronic cameras will free up additional police time to allow officers to concentrate on combatting violence and other criminal activity in our community."

Councillor Martin acknowledged that "police officers can't be everywhere, but the new camera technology will provide "electronic eyes and ears" on HRM's major roadways and at dangerous intersections."


Councillor Gary Martin
District 21-Bedford




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.