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Public Service Announcement

Councillor David Hendsbee to Participate in Panel Discussion

(Friday, January 18, 2008) - Councillor David Hendsbee, District 3 Preston-Lawrencetown-Chezzetcook will take part in a panel discussion Sunday, January 20th, 2pm at the Alderney Landing Theatre in Dartmouth.

The panel discussion is being presented by The Nova Scotia Mass Choir and Eastern Front Theatre, co-presenters of Share the Dream. Prior to the panel there will be a screening of Poor Boys Game.

" I am pleased to take part in this panel discussion and show my support to the Share The Dream program." said Councillor Hendsbee, " Dr. Martin Luther King's message of racial tolerance, peaceful ways and benevolent resolution is still quite relevant today as it was over 40 years ago."

The panel discussion will be moderated by Don Connolly from CBC radio's Information Morning.

Admission is by donation ($10 suggested) and attendees are invited to bring along a food item for the Nova Scotia Food Bank. For more information please call (902) 463- PLAY.

Share the Dream strives to capture the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King's message to inspire and to make the connection between his vision, our local history and our daily lives. The panel will explore how Poor Boys Game is an example of the Dream in action.


Councillor David Hendsbee,
District 3 Preston-Lawrencetown-Chezzetcook

Lisa Blair
Eastern Front Theatre




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.