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Mayor to Press for Traffic Signals at Mount Saint Vincent Intersection

(Tuesday, January 22/08)-- Mayor Peter Kelly said today he will ask HRM's Traffic Authority to reconsider its decision not to permit the installation of traffic signals on the Bedford Highway in front of Mount Saint Vincent University.

Mayor Kelly said he can appreciate the Traffic Authority's position, but he believes that each situation should be judged individually, not solely on policy. Things such as the number of traffic lanes on the roadway, the number vehicles using the roadway daily, the number of pedestrians daily, the intersections proximity to a school or university, etc. should be considered.

"Policy is what you follow most of the time," the Mayor said. "However, there are sometimes mitigating circumstances that require government to deviate from usual policy in light of the potential risks to public safety. I believe that in the case of the concern of the students at the Mount, and the public's concern for them, traffic signals should be installed."

Mayor Kelly said he also intends to raise the Mount situation with provincial Transportation Minister Murray Scott in hopes of having regulations and, if necessary, legislation changed to permit flexibility in special cases.


Mayor Peter Kelly




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.