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Public Service Announcement

Harsh Winter Weather Creating Problem Potholes

(Tuesday, February 19/08)-- HRM advises motorists to take extra care to avoid the many potholes on streets and roads this season due to the extreme freeze/thaw cycle that we are experiencing.

The constant freeze/thaw causes deterioration of the asphalt, often resulting in large potholes. Winter temperatures make asphalt patching a temporary repair only.

Transportation and Public Works urges residents and motorists to report potholes to the HRM Corporate Call Centre at 490-4000. Callers are urged to provide the Call Centre with a specific location of the pothole(s), giving a Civic Address Number on the particular street/road, if possible. For example: Potholes are located in front of 100 Main Street.

Once a pothole has been reported, a work order is issued and forwarded to eight repair crews for scheduling of work. Please note that pothole repairs do not take place during snow and ice operations.

HRM Service Standards state that once a pothole is reported, it will be inspected within three business days and repairs will be made within 14 days of the work order being issued.* (* provided crews are able to respond, based on day- to- day weather conditions and whether they are required for snow and ice operations.)

Often, potholes that have been repaired, will reappear. This is due to variable weather patterns and snow and ice operational efforts.


John O'Brien
Manager, Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.