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McCluskey Appeals to Council to Hold the Line on Taxes

(Friday, April 11/08)-- Councillor Gloria McCluskey will be undergoing long-scheduled knee surgery next week, and will be convalescing at home during Council debate on the proposed 2008/2009 operating and capital budgets.

However, Councillor McCluskey appealed to her Council colleagues today to look for some areas for possible reduction to either hold the line on the current tax rate or keep any increase to the barest minimum.

"There is no waste in the budget, but I don't believe that our residents and the business community can afford the proposed 5.7 per cent increase (2.6 % increase in the tax rate and an average 3.1 % increase in assessment)," she said. "The taxpayers of this municipality just can't take any more tax increases. Many seniors and others on fixed income have a hard enough time now keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table. They don't need a big increase in their property taxes."

Councillor McCluskey added "I'm sure the program, services and projects are all good things, but it isn't necessary to do all of them in the coming year. I'm hoping that Council will identify some of the expenditures that can be put off, and make reductions in the budget."

The Councillor also suggested that some of the proposed funding allocated to business units for travel, attending conferences and staff training could be put off to another year.


Councillor Gloria McCluskey




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.