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Public Service Announcement

Brush/Grass Fires

(Monday, April 14, 2008) - Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency reminds residents that it is illegal to burn brush without a burning permit in Halifax Regional Municipality and in many areas of HRM (including Bedford, Halifax, Dartmouth, Cole Harbour, Timberlea & parts of Sackville, burning is not permitted at all. It is illegal to burn trash.

During the past month, Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency have responded to many brush and grass fires - most of them illegal. Burning illegally will constitute a summary offence ticket costing $215.00. Repeat offenders could be fined up to $5000 or 60 days in jail. It is a criminal offense to purposely light a fire and destroy personal property and therefore will result in charges of arson under the Criminal Code Act.

Alternatives to burning brush include the placement of up to 5 armload size bundles of brush alongside their green cart for collection during green cart collection week.. Bundles are collected throughout the year, not just springtime." For more information on collection services, please refer to, or call 490-4000.

Please note that Natural Resources Permits are required in addition to HRM permits from April 15th to Oct.15th. Contact your nearest Natural Resources Depot, or your local fire station regarding regulations and permits.

Please visit our website at for more information and links on the Open Air Burning By-law, or call 490-5546.

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For further information contact:
Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.