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News Release

Ball Players May Lose Field Time Due to Copper Wire Thefts

(Thursday, May 1/08)-- Thieves have made off with more than $67,000 worth of copper wire from HRM ball fields in recent weeks and this may rob organized teams and others from using those facilities for night games this season.

Municipal Operations staff estimate losses so far at Mainland Common Ball Field ($36,708); Brookside School Ball Field ($20,333) and Graves Oakley Ball Field ($10,778.)

Municipal Operations will be asking Halifax Regional Police and RCMP to step up patrols around HRM sports facilities. In addition, they urge citizens who reside near these facilities to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity and to report it to police as quickly as possible.


John O'Brien
Manager, Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.