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Public Service Announcement

Attention of Residents of Eastern Shore Impacted by the Fire
Collection and Storage of Green Cart and Other Sources of Food

(Monday, June 16, 2008) - Regular green cart collection will be completed the week of June 16, 2008 in the Porters Lake, Lake Echo, Three Fathom Harbour, East and West Chezzetcook, North and East Preston, Lawrencetown, Conrod Settlement and West Petpeswick. Regular collection of recyclables will also be provided the week of June 16th.

Residents are reminded of the following measures to prevent the attraction of animals that have been displaced by the fire:

- place your green cart out for collection at 7 am on your regular collection weekday
- once your green cart has been collected place in a shed or garage
- remove exterior pet dishes
- remove grease from BBQ's and/or place in garage or shed
- remove bird feeders and any seeds on the ground
- waste stored outside is to be placed in garbage can with a lid
- as bears are primarily nocturnal, place your green cart out for collection in the morning
- contact the Department of Natural Resources (1-800-565-2224) whom will live trap the bear and relocate

For information call the HRM Call Centre at 490-4000.

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Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.