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Public Service Announcement

Construction Notice: HRM Street Paving Project


(Friday, August 8, 2008) HRM wishes to advise motorists that they can expect delays on the following streets beginning August 11, 2008, and ending approximately October 4, 2008, due to paving projects:

• Main Street (Caledonia to Brigadoon)

• Pleasant Street (Imperial Oil Entrance to former City of Dartmouth Limits)

• Purcell's Cove Road (Wenlock Grove (south) to Williams Lake)

All portions of this work will require lane closures in outbound and inbound directions. Peak hour directions will be given priority. Please expect delays and it is strongly suggested to use alternate routes if available.

HRM apologizes for any inconvenience due to this necessary road work.  If you require further information please feel free to contact:

Adam Marlin
HRM Construction Inspector

476-0935 (Cell)

Deborah Story, Acting Manager
Corporate Communications

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.