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Public Service Announcement

Fire Department Urges Caution with Landscaping Mulch

(Thursday, August 21, 2008) - Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency has responded to several mulch fires recently, and reminds residents to use caution when it comes to landscaping mulch.

There are a few common ways mulch can catch on fire, but they're all preventable.

1. Make sure mulch is spread out evenly, just deep enough to do the job.
2. Be cautious with decorative lighting. If lights are installed too close, or inside the mulch, they can heat it up and cause a fire.
3. Smokers should take care to discard their cigarettes in proper containers.
4. Maintain at least 18 inches of clearance between the edge of the mulch bed and combustible materials such as vinyl siding and decks.
5. Keep mulch beds as moist as possible.
6. When clearances can't be maintained, consider using crushed rocks or stones.

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For further information contact:

Mike LeRue,
Public Informaton Officer




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.