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Media Advisory

Release of HRMbyDesign's

Downtown Halifax Urban Design Plan - Draft 2

(Halifax, NS, September 12, 2008) - There will be a special media briefing on Monday, September 15 to launch the public review period of Draft 2 of the Downtown Halifax Urban Design Plan proposed by HRMbyDesign.

The media briefing will be held in Halifax Hall at City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, beginning at 12:00 p.m. The format includes a statement followed by a question and answer period.

The plan documents are available online as of Monday, September 15 at

Print and CD copies can be obtained at the HRM Customer Service Centres: Scotia Square, Halifax, or at 2nd floor Alderney Gate, Dartmouth.

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For more information:

Tiffany Chase
Communications Specialist
(902) 490-5057
(902) 476-6464




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.