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Last Day to Cast Your E-Vote
(Monday, October 6/08) - Halifax Regional Municipality would like to advise voters that they still have the opportunity to vote electronically today.
Use the PIN number with instructions provided on your voter notification letter and vote anytime until 8 p.m. tonight. Visit or call 490-8683 or toll free 1-888- 820-8683 or TDD (for hearing impaired) at 490-6645 if you require more information or assistance during e-voting.
Voters also have the option of voting in person at the advanced polls on Saturday October 11th or Tuesday October 14th from 12 noon to 8 p.m. or on Election Day Saturday, October 18th from
8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Linda Grant
Municipal Returning Officer
Cathy Mellett
Project Director, E-voting