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Public Service Announcement

Celebrate "RideShare" Week by Carpooling to Work

(Wednesday, October 8, 2008) The Halifax Regional Municipality is encouraging residents to take part in RideSharing week by carpooling to work or school. October 6th through October 10th marks the first national RideShare Week in HRM.

Traffic congestion is a huge issue to all municipalities. RideSharing is a sustainable way to mitigate traffic, parking constraints and reduce the number of single occupant vehicles on the road every day simultaneously reducing congestion and pollution.

RideShare Week benefits participants, employers and the environment by:

• Encouraging carpooling and vanpooling, where available
• Encouraging and promoting sustainable options at workplaces.
• Reducing the costs of travel, gas and parking.
• Encouraging positive reinforcement and recognition for people already using
• sustainable transportation.
• Strengthening employee productivity and reducing work related stress.
• Creating a healthy environmentally sound corporate image.

For more information, please visit The Association for Commuter Transportation of Canada (ACT Canada) at, or go to to find a ridematching partner.



Roxane MacInnis
Transportation Demand Coordinator
Halifax Regional Municipality




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.