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Public Service Announcement

Penhorn/Woodlawn Community Visioning Open House/Forum

(Wednesday, November 19, 2008 ) - The Penhorn/Woodlawn Community Liaison Group, a working group of eight local residents, will host two Public Forums, November 24 and 29, in order to seek community input into the creation of a Community Vision and Action Plan for the Penhorn and Woodlawn areas of Dartmouth, and surrounding neighbourhoods.

The forums are the first of several planned opportunities for residents to participate in the community visioning process. VisionHRM is a community-led initiative supported by the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) which allows residents to think creatively about what is possible for the community as a whole 10 to 20 years into the future. It is also an opportunity to implement the HRM Regional Plan at the local level.

Residents are invited to attend one of the following events:

Monday, November 24
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Grace Baptist Church
51 Athorpe Dr.
(formerly 86 Penhorn Dr.)


Saturday, November 29
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Southdale - North Woodside Elementary
36 Hastings Dr.

Come rekindle your memories and help build new ones! Bring photos, memories, stories from the community's past and ideas for the future.
Activities for kids are planned, but please call ahead 490-5190 if you plan to bring children to give an idea of numbers and ages. Both locations are accessible. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information visit or e-mail The Community Liaison Group is available to meet with your group or organization in the upcoming months.


Kasia Tota
HRM Community Developer

William Zebedee, Chair
Penhorn/Woodlawn Community Liaison Group

Deborah Story
Manager, Marketing, Design, & Print Services
Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.