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Public Service Announcement

Santa Claus Is Coming To Spryfield

(Thursday, November 27, 2008) - Councillor Steve Adams - District 18, Spryfield - Herring Cove invites everyone to come out and welcome Santa Claus as he makes his seasonal return to Spryfield.

It's the Spryfield Santa Claus Parade, the longest running parade of its kind in Atlantic Canada

There will be floats, bands, a variety performers and plenty of entertainment as we kick off the festive season.

What:     Spryfield Santa Claus Parade
When:    Sunday, November 30, 2008
When:    1 pm
Where:   Parade route starts at Herring Cove Road & Punchbowl Dr.;

               ending  at South Centre Mall.

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Councillor Steve Adams
District 18, Spryfield - Herring Cove




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.