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Public Service Announcement

Meeting Cancellations for Today, January 14

(Wednesday, January 14, 2009) - HRM wishes to advise that the following meetings scheduled for January 14, 2009 have been postponed due to inclement weather:

POSTPONED - to be rescheduled
Jan. 14, 2009 Public Information Meeting
Farrell Hall, 276 Windmill Road, Dartmouth - 7:00 p.m.

Project 01031 - Wright's Cove Secondary Planning Strategy and proposed amendments to the Dartmouth Land Use By-law.


POSTPONED - to be rescheduled
Jan. 14, 2009 Public Information Meeting
St. Andrews Centre (senior's room)
6955 Bayers Road, Halifax - 7:00 p.m.

Case 01228 - Application by 3106631 Nova Scotia Limited to permit by development agreement a nine storey multiple unit residential building with a total of 124 units at 6955 Bayer's Road, Halifax (PID # 40824005).


POSTPONED- to be rescheduled
Jan. 14, 2009 Public Information Meeting
Cole Harbour District High School
2 Chameau Crescent, Cole Harbour - 7:00 p.m.

Case 01220 - Application by The Hardman Group Limited to amend a development agreement on their lands located at 1038 Cole Harbour Road, Cole Harbour, to allow a new ground sign at the corner of Cole Harbour Road and Armbro Lane.



Kurt Pyle
Supervisor, Planning Applications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.