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Regional Council Adopts Focus Areas For Next Four Years

(Tuesday, January 20, 2009)-- Earlier today, Regional Council adopted the key areas of focus that will form one of the most important directions for the Municipality, and support the vision for our community over the next four years.
Council's Focus Areas include those programs and services where Council has determined they want to have the greatest impact.

Mayor Peter Kelly stated, "For any organization to make progress, there has to be a clear set of goals and expectations. For municipal governments, the agendas can change quickly as issues come and go. Council's Focus Areas are important to clearly articulate how Council is spending the public's money".
The Council Focus Areas include Transportation, Infrastructure, Public Safety, Community Planning, as well as, Governance & Communications. Council also wanted to ensure that the environment and physical accessability considerations were apparent in everything HRM does.

The Focus Areas will be an effective tool in guiding Council's debate and discussions. They are one of the foundation pieces for HRM's budget process and provide staff with the direction needed to develop the most effective business plans.

These focus areas set the direction Council will take over the coming years, and will assit in the allocation of funds to appropriate projects and initiatves. Council will discuss these areas of focus in more detail during Committee of the Whole on January 27, 2009.




Mayor Peter J. Kelly




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.