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Survey asks Penhorn/Woodlawn Residents "What's your vision?"

(Monday, January 26, 2009) - The Penhorn/Woodlawn Community Liaison Group (CLG) wants to know what your vision and priorities are for your community over the next 20 years.

Armed with surveys, this working group of seven local residents will begin an ambitious door-to-door campaign in the Southdale, Manor Park, Woodlawn, Gaston Road and a portion of Graham's Corner neighbourhoods over the next week or so. The survey can also be completed online at, or through a link at the "Penhorn CLG" Facebook page.

"We have had incredible input in our Visioning process so far," said William Zebedee, Chair of the Penhorn/Woodlawn CLG, "but we don't want to stop yet. We want to hear from as many people as we can before we begin writing our report."

Over the next couple of months, CLG members will also be attending existing public meetings, and speaking with community organizations, the business community and Junior High students. Workshops focused around key themes emerging from previous consultations are also being planned.

The Penhorn/Woodlawn Community Liaison Group was formed in September 2008 as part of VisionHRM, a community-led initiative supported by HRM which gives residents an opportunity to think creatively about what is possible for their community as a whole 10, 15, 20 years into the future. Tasked with leading a community engagement process and developing a Vision and Action Plan for the community, the group has been meeting every week and has already held two public forums. They are now beginning to verify and confirm input received so far with more of the area's residents

"Community visioning is an opportunity for the community to dream big but also to set realistic goals" said Kasia Tota, Community Developer with Halifax Regional Municipality, "The Penhorn./Woodlawn area has been designed as a growth centre under the HRM Regional Plan. The Vision and Action plan will therefore be presented to the Regional Council for consideration in business planning, but the visioning process can also be used by the community as a catalyst for building partnerships and local action on what matters to the community."

"It's time to imagine our community the way we want to see it - at its very best," said Zebedee.


Kasia Tota
HRM Community Developer

William Zebedee, Chair
Penhorn/Woodlawn Community Liaison Group
Cell: 478-0986




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.