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Public Service Announcement

Notice to Motorists: HRM Snow Removal Operations Starting Tonight in the Downtown Areas

(Friday, February 6, 2009) - HRM Municipal Operations wish to advise motorists that they will be hauling away snow in the Downtown Halifax, Downtown Dartmouth, Gottingen Street, Spring Garden Road, and the Quinpool Road areas starting tonight and extending over the next week. Motorist should look for the temporary "No Parking" signs that will be posted in the areas where the snow removal is taking place and ensure they are not parking in those areas. Vehicles parked in these areas will be ticketed and towed. This is necessary due to the build up of snow on the sides of streets in the downtown areas of Halifax and Dartmouth and the safety hazzard it presents to traffic, emergency vehicles and pedestrians. HRM is asking motorists to arrange for off street parking in these areas over the next week to allow crews to complete the work as efficiently as possible.



Gordon Hayward
Winter Works Superintendent

Deborah Story
Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.